This page provides instructions for subscribing to the following Internet mailing lists:
1. PreVoc is the interactive discussion list for school-to-work program coordinators in Illinois schools & cooperatives. Although not limited exclusively, subscribers should be affiliated with an Illinois public or private school, an Illinois school district or an Illinois Cooperative.
To subscribe:
Send an e-mail message to: moderator at doxaflow (period) com
with your name, e-mail address & your district or school affiliation listed in the body of your email.
2. VASEsped is a discussion forum for Vermilion County teachers who work with special education students. It is specifically intended for VASE staff, but any teacher in Vermilion County may participate.
To subscribe:
Send an e-mail message to: moderator at doxaflow (period) com
with your name, e-mail address & your district or school affiliation listed in the body of your email.
2. Summary of Performance (SOP) and Indicators 13 & 14 is a discussion forum for anyone interested in IDEA-2004's new SOP requirement & Indicators 13 & 14. This discussion is
To subscribe:
Send an e-mail message to: moderator at doxaflow (period) com
with your name, e-mail address & your district or school affiliation listed in the body of your email.
For further information contact:
Vermilion Association for Special Education, VASE
15009 Catlin-Tilton Rd.
Danville, IL 61834
(217) 443-8273 (voice)
(217) 443-0217 (fax)
moderator at doxaflow period com
This page was last modified on 10/23/2006.